Friday, April 8, 2011

Feelin' good!

Ok so I'm a girl, I've had issues with my body and the way I look for as long as I can remember. Flipping through magazines and watching TV or movies I never feel quite up to the standard that is set so high these days.
I'm not a natural twig, I have hips, I have a bum (something my friends have always said they wished they had, I would gladly trade girls!), and I have thighs.
I think until very recently every time I looked in the mirror I would basically scream at myself "Why ME?!" not out loud of course because then people would think I'm crazy!
And being as 'unhappy' about my weight as I have been for years I never stuck to doing anything about it, trying to eat healthy would usually last an hour or two, joining a gym or working out would maybe last a week if I was lucky and the thing is I'm only 22!! This should be the best years of my life but instead I stress out about how fat I look compared to everybody else.

But I've just been getting ready to do my latest attempt at working out-Wii Fit and I actually really do enjoy it, it's not the same exercises over and over, I can choose which areas I want to work on and I can really feel it working as well.
Now I'm not the greatest at sticking with it regularly but it's nice to know I'm at least doing something other than walking to and from the bus stop everyday.
Anyway looking in the mirror today I could see my FLAT tummy, and see slim legs and I loved what I saw, I actually smiled when I looked in the mirror and thought man I look good!
To most people it probably sounds crazy but to me it's such a huge step in the right direction, I even tied up my tee to show off my tummy! #WINNING!


  1. Hahaha I'm one of those 'trade me your bum' friends. Keep it up :) Totally WINNING xoxo

  2. hahaha I know, all you girls always said you wanted a bum like mine and I want a flat bum like yours haha! totally about to go workout again, 2 days in a row is def WINNING!!! love you
