Friday, March 18, 2011

Epic Fail

Ok so I haven't posted on here in almost a year...pretty sure I fail as a blogger!
Lately I have been thinking about an idea for a book I want to write, I love writing so much, especially creative writing.
For a time I can escape to another world and be another person, I can be whoever I want and don't have to face any problems or consequences. Sounds like a perfect world but I think it's only perfect for a short amount of time.
I am trying to find an app for my Blackberry (did I mention it needs to be free?!) so I can write on my down time at work and on the go wherever I am and whenever I am inspired! So far I haven't been able to find one, they all seem to be for blogs and no offense but I'd rather not post my creative writing for the whole world where anyone could steal it and claim it as theirs...

I'm also reading a book my second mum gave me two years ago...yes it has taken me this long to be open to reading it! It's called 'Search for Significance' by Robert S. McGee. It is teaching me and showing me so much about myself and also God, he also backs everything he says with bible verses and I always love seeing new verses that really speak to me!

Well I shall continue on my endeavor to find this app for my phone, till next time follow bloggers


  1. ahhh don't write on ur bb, its gonna give u sore eyes and frustrated fingers! get a pretty wee notebook :) handwritten notes are that much more inspiring!

  2. I don't want to write notes babe, I want to write a story!!!!!
