Saturday, April 17, 2010


This week, I've been pleasantly surprised with learning about honesty.
I asked my friend a simple question about whether she would be attending a function in the weekend, instead of answering she changed the subject.
I found out through Facebook funnily enough that she did indeed go, a simple yes would have been sufficient to answer my question but, because she didn't answer I found myself wondering why she avoided it and didn't tell me.

Then today my friend and I had plans and when I text her to ask what she was doing she said she was having a hot chocolate, I knew she was with another friend of hers but when she was offered the chance to tell me the truth, she didn't. She said it wasn't like she was lying to me but I think that selectively telling someone part of an answer is still as bad as a lie and definitely hurts the same.

I don't lie to my friends, if they ask me something I always try to be as straight up as I can so when they don't respect me enough to give me the same courtesy it does hurt.
Whether its a big lie, a 'small' white lie, or just avoiding the question, honesty always prevents a situation from escalating and is always the better choice.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Instead of taking my usual shower today I decided to have a bath.
I love baths simply because it gives you so much time to think about anything and everything; life, friendships, dreams, work, school, love...anything you want!!
And I thought about pretty much all of the above within half an hour!

I am now determined to listen to my heart, I am going to follow my dreams and there is nothing to stop me from reaching them and many more of course! I am going to cherish the great friendships I have and any friendships I may lose or that may change I will not worry about and I will just accept that it is a path of life and whatever is meant to be will be.

Friends, family, dreams and love are some of the many gifts we have in life, we only live once so we have to make the most of it and live a life of continually amazing, life-changing moments.
I am so excited about this year and what it is going to bring!
Look out world, here I come!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Welcome to my blog :) this is going to be where I write about anything on my heart or mind, it might be a mix of what I'm listening to, what movies I'm watching, and what's happening.